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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #7982

Subject: "New JSA claim for claimant granted ILR - NASS 35 required?" First topic | Last topic
past caring 3

Welfare Benefits Supervisor, Brixton Advice Centre
Member since
04th Mar 2010

New JSA claim for claimant granted ILR - NASS 35 required?
Wed 05-May-10 01:55 PM

Like wot it says on the tin....

JC+ insisting on client producing NASS 35 document in order to process his JSA claim which was made following his grant of ILR - correspondence states this necessary as client "previously supported by section 4".

Client has not been issued with a NASS 35 and I can foresee it being a lengthy process for one to ever be issued, but I cannot see the need. The NASS 35 gives a breakdown of all financial support an individual has received and so was required in the days before refugee backdating was abolished - but not only has it been abolished, my client only has ILR anyway and so would never have qualified.

He does have a NASS 81a which confirms that he was in receipt of support under s.4 of the IAA 1999, that his entitlement to this funding has ceased due to his being granted leave and the date of cessation 8/4/10. I have argued until I am blue in the face that this ought to suffice, given the above and the fact that client's JSA claim was made on 10/4/10 and there is no backdating at issue.

So, before I go ahead and JR them - am I missing something?


Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #7982First topic | Last topic