28 July, 2020 Open access
28 July, 2020 Open access
Plan focuses on sustaining and rebuilding health and well-being for unpaid carers as lockdown eases, and in the event of future outbreaks
Carers UK has launched a 'Recovery Plan' for unpaid carers as the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues.
With the risk of COVID-19 infection still a cause for anxiety, Carers UK highlights that many unpaid carers - who have been caring for months without a break or any outside support - are now trying to manage their caring roles with returning to work, and calls for a clear vision across government, the NHS, local authorities, organisations providing services to carers, businesses and employers that fully considers the needs of carers and the people they care for during the transition period.
To that end, Carers UK puts forward a Recovery Plan which focuses on sustaining and rebuilding health and well-being for unpaid carers, and moving to a better post-COVID society in the medium term.
Key recommendations centre on -
Chief Executive of Carers UK Helen Walker said today -
'The pandemic has been an incredibly challenging time for unpaid carers and many are coping with even less support now. As the government, NHS and local authorities plan for the months ahead it is vital that the needs of carers, and any impacts on carers, are fully considered and that carers are supported to get their lives back to where they want them to be.'
NB - Carers UK advises that the Recovery Plan is predominantly written for England and for any matters that are reserved for either Great Britain or the UK, but has drawn on good practice in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
For more information, see Carers UK launches Recovery Plan for carers from carersuk.org
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